The Inner Child
The inner child. What does that term mean for you?
This morning, I listened in on a fabulous live video hosted by the beautiful, inspirational AmyJo Davies. It invoked in me a new way of seeing my inner child, and how she might be useful to bring out nowadays!
To find your own inner child who's worth getting in touch with, try to remember what you were like before you were really molded by society. For me, I'm brought back to when I was between 4 and 6 years old (I can't remember much further back than that). I was daring, confident, artistic, unabashed, curious, imaginative, energetic, enthusiastic . . . lots of good things. Some of these adjectives are still part of who I am as a societally-shaped woman, but I really hold myself back more because of fears I wasn't born with.
I can remember being the first to volunteer to try everything we were taught in swim lessons. I recall spending hours drawing several different interpretations of T.Rex and Sonic the Hedgehog (and Tails of course). I remember the joy of jumping up and down on my dad's bed while singing "Bicycle Race" by Queen. I remember digging in the earth and making many earthworm friends. I remember my dedication toward incubating large oval-shaped stones hoping they'd hatch into dinosaurs.
Sometimes I really do need this girl back at the forefront of my persona. I REALLY need the confidence and fiery ambition. I need the artistic, creative force that doesn't stress over the outcome. The admiration for things like dirt and rocks, even. These traits could really help me get ahead in the adult world!
How might we bring them back, then? The child archetype of us is still in there, we just have to find a way back to him or her underneath the layers of chainmail we've weighed ourselves down with over the years for protection. I haven't made much effort yet, although I did a simple inner-child-aimed meditation once that seemed quite effective. It answered some pressing questions for me, so maybe just start there.
AmyJo suggests creating a sacred space (whatever that means to you) and reengaging with your inner child in a way that you know he or she will appreciate. I think it really varies according to who you are and who you were as an innocent, impressionable kiddo. For example, I'm going to try burning some incense and doodling meditatively. My inner child LOVES to draw. She could draw all damn day.
We'll see what happens as I learn to bring her back out. As one of my favorite authors Cheryl Strayed said: "Transformation doesn't ask that you stop being you. It demands that you find a way back to the authenticity and strength that's already inside of you."
To learn more about the lovely AmyJo Davies and additional greatness that she has to offer, visit!